Oregonians and beer industry wonks have had some rage fuel the last few days regarding a controversy in the small college town of Corvallis.

Flat Tail Brewing, a mainstay in downtown Corvallis since 2010, called out another ostensibly Oregonian brewery — 10 Barrel Brewing — for theft of intellectual property. The property in question “Dam Good Beer,” is related to the Oregon State Beaver athletic teams in town, nicknamed the Beavers.

Flat Tail, as you might imagine, has been rocking with the Beavs since its inception. Corvallis is a one-team town, evident to me even years ago when I grabbed some beers at the taproom wearing (what I thought were relatively sneaky) shoes in Green and Yellow Oregon Ducks colors. Even before I sat down I got called out, “wrong color shoes, bro.”

I tell that story to make it clear that you’d seriously have to be ignorant or willfully trying to squeeze out competition to not know that Flat Tail kind of has Beaver-related puns locked up in Corvallis. Luckily for us, 10 Barrel was bought out by Anheuser-Busch InBev (commonly known as AB InBev in the industry, or just “those fucking assholes”) so we can claim both!

Anyway, Flat Tail founder and brewer Dave Marliave called out 10 Barrel for backing up an 18-wheeler outside the taproom emblazoned with that same “Dam Good Beer” slogan and the Oregon State Beaver logo. Link here.

“It’s no secret you can steal a lot of intellectual property when you’ve got that sweet, sweet @anheuserbusch money, but seriously @10barrelbrewing …..did you have to drive it past our brew house?! Can’t wait to get a cease and desist for using my own slogan. XOXO – FT Dave”

This breach of etiquette and seeming good taste would be bad enough, but then 10 Barrel tried to… clapback? Or something? Link here.

That’s a billion-dollar corporation challenging a small, well-regarded local brewery to ownership of intellectual property (which Flat Tail has been using for nearly a decade) over a boat race. Promoting binge-drinking aside, Marliave called them out point by point. PR person: Ethered.

“Holy $@&! @10barrelbrewing ! You mean this whole time all we had to do to get big beer off our backs was ask politely?! Ok, ok, ok…….here we go…… Dear @abinbev @molsoncoorsbrewing @zxventures and everyone you own… #1 – Stop engaging in #paytoplay at on/off premise accounts (like giving away snow boards at your promos)
#2 – Stop bribing/pressuring distributors to sell your products ahead of other brands. #3 – Stop using your smaller faux craft brands to promote diversity and progressive agendas while simultaneously funneling millions into organizations and PACs that support the opposite. #4 – Don’t make fun of Jim just because he’s the only employee over 40 in a company full of millennials; that’s punishment enough. #dickmove #ageism #5 – Don’t pretend to be the good guys while literally ransoming our own slogan back to us. That one’s a special kinda wtf. XOXO – Dave”

According to an on-the-scene reporter, the community has responded well to Flat Tail’s indignation, and that fellow rodent-themed brewery Belching Beaver had already reached out for a collaboration.

While Flat Tail had not trademarked the “Dam Good Beer” slogan, Marliave is exploring that option, using years of prior use as justification.

So it remains to be seen what happens, but as always:


Claire de Noyo contributed to this “report.”